Tue Jan 14 02:42:27 2003
Referred By:
Just Surfed On In
Dear Sir
I have gathered a lot of serious materials in field of the problems of dreams I
d like to some of it in brief here.
It is well known that some events in the life of the society and lives of its
separate representatives are programmed. I managed to decode the mechanism of
planning future events in the life of an individual.
One receives signals carrying information about future events when he is
sleeping, but it's possible to receive signals staying awake.
'J The information in the form of analogue signals entering the organism of a
man comes through special filters and then gets into the brain and karma.
Time of fulfilling events corresponding to the analogue signals is defined by
the set of parameters changing in the time, which characterize conductivity and
other qualities of the filter, and parameters of receiving signal.
The thoughts of an individual are usually also resulted from incoming
information about future events involving individual. But this information can
be recorded into the karma only under certain conditions unlike in case with the
dreams which are recorded into the karma as long as they income.
The information entered the brain is then transformed into visual symbols, but
these visions don't correspond unambiguously to the future events, but
deciphered by means of specific codes.
Information recorded into karma comes true in the period ranging from several
seconds to about 18 years. But 70%of it comes true within 5 months and 98% -
within 13 months I found the complex of equations according to which I can
calculate the time of realizing future events from the moment of recording
information into the karma caused by dreams or other sources of incoming
information to its transition into corresponding events. Per these calculations
I need the following information:
- date, time and year of birth of the family members living together;
- places of birth and place of residence in the present time;
- date and time of seeing a dream and which of the family members saw it;
- description of a dream.
Send your data with interesting dreams and I will be able to calculate when they
are to come true in 95% of cases, and also interpret future events corresponding
to the dreams.
I have several published and unpublished articles in Russian on what I have
written above, which "cover the question in the spot much wider, and in
particular describe experiments on the opportunities of changing planned events
by the recording of the information into karma in "synthetic'' way.
If it is interesting for you I could send my articles to you.
But in my articles I don't give detailed description of the mechanism of
planning events by a separate individual since it must be proved by carrying out
careful experiments that it is impossible to be used in inhuman aims.
P.S. a mistake colculate the tima of realizing future events 1-3 days for 95%
Best regards!
Nadolinnyi Boris
My post address:
62403 Ukraine
pos. Babai, Plehanov Street, 23
Telephone: 380-0572-48-89-35 .